3 Key Metrics for Dividend Investing
There are generally two ways to make money from investing in the stock market. One of them is to buy stocks and sell them
Why Buying Dividend Stocks Can Help Your Portfolio During Market Volatility
For most young investors, the period from 2009-2021 was characterised by an epic bull market in US stocks. As a result of low interest
How Do You Buy Dividend Stocks?
Dividend investing is popular among Singapore investors. There are many reasons for that. One big reason is that Singapore companies do not impose any
Scared of Recession? Consider Money Market Funds to Wait Out the Storm
Investors everywhere are struggling to find a safe harbour against the stock market’s volatility. Even cash is fast losing its value to the persistent
Stock Market Sell-Off: Opportunity for Gen-Z to Start Investing
Broadly speaking, stocks have had a rough time in 2022. The US S&P 500 Index fell to a new closing low for 2022 while
3 Reasons the US Federal Reserve Impacts Stock Markets
Singapore investors are probably aware of the US Federal Reserve (Fed). That’s because talk of a series of aggressive interest rate hikes by the
5 Ways That ESG Investing Creates Shareholder Value
ESG investing is an investment strategy that focuses on financial assets that create a positive impact on society at large. The ESG stands for
Singapore REITs: How Do They Grow Dividends?
Most investors buy into Singapore’s biggest Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) for a stable recurring income through dividends. Apart from looking for REITs that
Which Stock Sectors Are Defensive in a Bear Market?
Investors have just seen the worst day in US stock markets since June 2020. The reason? Higher-than-expected inflation. For Singapore investors, that matters since
5 Top Investment Strategies for a Bear Market
The stock market has been very volatile this year as rising interest rates and higher inflation dampen market sentiment. While we have seen some
ESG Investing: What is It and Why Should Investors Care?
Investors have just come through one of the worst first halves of the year for the market. Understandably, thinking about where the stock market
Do Stock Splits Benefit Shareholders?
All the news in stock markets has focused on record high inflation, interest rate hikes from the US Federal Reserve, and just generally dour